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How To Draw Cute Anime Hairstyles In Minutes Or Less

Title: How to Draw Cute Anime Hairstyles in Minutes or Less


Anime hairstyles are some of the most iconic and recognizable in all of pop culture. From the flowing locks of Sailor Moon to the twintails of Sakura Haruno, there's a style to suit everyone. And while drawing anime hair can seem daunting, it's actually not as difficult as you might think. With a few simple tips, you can learn how to draw cute anime hairstyles in minutes or less.

In this blog post, I'll show you how to draw three different cute anime hairstyles:

  • Long, flowing hair: This is a classic anime hairstyle that's perfect for any character.
  • Twintails: This is a popular hairstyle for young girls, and it's easy to draw.
  • Bobbed hair: This is a more modern hairstyle that's perfect for older characters.

I'll also share some tips on how to make your anime hair look more realistic and appealing.

So whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, read on to learn how to draw cute anime hairstyles in minutes or less!

Main Content:

Step 1: Draw the Head and Hairline

The first step is to draw the head and hairline. The head should be a simple oval shape, and the hairline should be a curved line that follows the shape of the head.

Step 2: Draw the Basic Hair shape

Once you have the head and hairline drawn, you can start to draw the basic hair shape. The hair shape will vary depending on the hairstyle you're trying to draw. For example, if you're drawing long, flowing hair, you'll want to draw a long, flowing shape. If you're drawing twintails, you'll want to draw two separate, pointed shapes.

Step 3: Add Details

Once you have the basic hair shape drawn, you can start to add details. This includes things like bangs, hair clips, and accessories. You can also add shading to give the hair more depth.

Step 4: Add Color

Finally, you can add color to your anime hair. This is a great way to make your hair stand out and look more realistic.


  • Use light pencil strokes when you're first starting out. This will make it easier to erase mistakes.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with different hairstyles. The more you practice, the better you'll get at drawing anime hair.
  • Use references to help you draw realistic anime hair. There are many great anime hairstyles online that you can use as inspiration.


Drawing cute anime hairstyles in minutes or less is easier than you might think. With a few simple tips, you can create beautiful and realistic anime hair that will make your characters stand out.

Are you looking to learn how to draw cute anime hairstyles? If so, then you should visit Tresses and Trends. This website has a comprehensive guide on how to draw all sorts of anime hairstyles, from simple ponytails to elaborate buns.

The guide is broken down into easy-to-follow steps, so even if you're a beginner, you'll be able to follow along. Plus, the website has a forum where you can ask questions and get help from other anime artists.

So what are you waiting for? Visit Tresses and Trends today and start learning how to draw cute anime hairstyles!

FAQ of cute anime hairstyles drawing

What are some of the most popular cute anime hairstyles?

Some of the most popular cute anime hairstyles include:

  • Twintails: This hairstyle is characterized by two long ponytails that are tied together at the back of the head. It is a very versatile hairstyle that can be styled in a variety of ways. Image of Twintails anime hairstyle
  • Pigtails: This hairstyle is similar to twintails, but the ponytails are shorter and tied closer to the head. It is a very cute and playful hairstyle that is often seen on younger characters. Image of Pigtails anime hairstyle
  • Buns: This hairstyle is characterized by two buns that are tied on top of the head. It is a very elegant and sophisticated hairstyle that is often seen on older characters. Image of Buns anime hairstyle
  • Long, flowing hair: This hairstyle is characterized by long, flowing hair that is often styled in waves or curls. It is a very feminine and beautiful hairstyle that is often seen on characters who are meant to be seen as attractive. Image of Long, flowing hair anime hairstyle
  • Short hair: This hairstyle is characterized by short, cropped hair that is often styled in a bob or pixie cut. It is a very modern and edgy hairstyle that is often seen on characters who are meant to be seen as tomboyish or independent. Image of Short hair anime hairstyle

What are some tips for drawing cute anime hairstyles?

Here are some tips for drawing cute anime hairstyles:

  • Start with a simple sketch. Don't try to draw the final hairstyle in one go. Start with a simple sketch of the basic shape of the hairstyle, and then add details as you go.
  • Use light lines. When you're first starting out, it's helpful to use light lines so that you can easily erase them if you make a mistake.
  • Pay attention to the shape of the head. The shape of the head will affect the way the hairstyle looks. For example, a hairstyle that looks good on a round head might not look as good on an oval head.
  • Use different textures. Anime hair can be drawn in a variety of textures, from smooth and silky to frizzy and unkempt. Experiment with different textures to see what looks best for your character.
  • Add details. Once you have the basic shape of the hairstyle, you can add details like bangs, layers, and accessories.
  • Use references. If you're stuck, look at references of real-world hairstyles or other anime hairstyles. This can help you get a better idea of how to draw the hairstyle you're looking for.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when drawing cute anime hairstyles?

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when drawing cute anime hairstyles:

  • Making the hair too detailed. Anime hair is often drawn in a simplified style, so it's important to avoid making the hair too detailed.
  • Drawing the hair too stiff. Anime hair should be drawn in a flowing and dynamic style. Avoid drawing the hair in a stiff or unnatural way.
  • Not paying attention to the hairline. The hairline is an important part of the hairstyle, so it's important to pay attention to it when you're drawing.
  • Not using references. If you're not sure how to draw a particular hairstyle, use references to help you. This will help you avoid making mistakes.

Where can I find more resources on drawing cute anime hairstyles?

There are many resources available online and in libraries that can help you learn how to draw cute anime hairstyles. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Books: There are many books available on drawing anime, including books that specifically focus on hairstyles. Image of Books on drawing anime hairstyles
  • Websites: There are many websites that offer tutorials on drawing anime, including tutorials on hairstyles. Image of Websites on drawing anime hairstyles
  • Youtube: There are many Youtube channels that offer tutorials on drawing anime, including tutorials on hairstyles. Image of Youtube channels on drawing anime hairstyles
  • Online forums: There are many online forums where you can ask questions and get feedback from other artists. Image of Online forums on drawing anime hairstyles

I hope these tips help you draw cute anime hairstyles!

Image of cute anime hairstyles drawing

10 different images of cute anime hairstyles drawing that are free to use:

  1. Long, flowing hair: This is a classic anime hairstyle that is both elegant and versatile. It can be styled in a variety of ways, from simple ponytails to elaborate braids. Image of Long flowing hair anime hairstyle drawing
  2. Short, bobbed hair: This is a cute and easy-to-maintain hairstyle that is perfect for anime characters with a more tomboyish personality. It can be styled in a variety of ways, from simple pixie cuts to more edgy styles with bangs. Image of Short bobbed hair anime hairstyle drawing
  3. Twintails: This is a popular anime hairstyle that is both cute and playful. It is often associated with energetic and outgoing characters. Image of Twintails anime hairstyle drawing
  4. Ponytails: This is a simple and classic anime hairstyle that is perfect for characters of all personality types. It can be styled in a variety of ways, from high ponytails to low ponytails. Image of Ponytails anime hairstyle drawing
  5. Braids: Braids are a versatile anime hairstyle that can be styled in a variety of ways. They are often associated with characters who are intelligent or studious. Image of Braids anime hairstyle drawing
  6. Curly hair: Curly hair is a popular anime hairstyle that is often associated with characters who are free-spirited or outgoing. It can be styled in a variety of ways, from loose curls to tight ringlets. Image of Curly hair anime hairstyle drawing
  7. Straight hair: Straight hair is a classic anime hairstyle that is perfect for characters of all personality types. It can be styled in a variety of ways, from simple ponytails to elaborate updos. Image of Straight hair anime hairstyle drawing
  8. Bangs: Bangs are a popular anime hairstyle that can add a touch of cuteness or sophistication to a character's appearance. They can be styled in a variety of ways, from straight bangs to side-swept bangs. Image of Bangs anime hairstyle drawing
  9. Updos: Updos are a great way to style anime hair for special occasions. They can be elegant, playful, or even edgy. Image of Updos anime hairstyle drawing
  10. Accessories: Accessories can add a touch of personality to an anime character's hairstyle. They can be anything from simple hair clips to elaborate headbands. Image of Accessories anime hairstyle drawing

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